Entry Level UX Designer Resume Examples for 2024 | Resume Worded (2024)

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  • Entry Level UX Designer
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  • UX Architect
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  • Entry Level UX Designer Resume Tips
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  • Google Docs Template #1

    Entry Level UX Designer Resume Sample

    As an entry-level UX designer, you're starting your journey in creating seamless and intuitive experiences for users. The demand for UX designers has been on the rise, especially with the expansion of mobile and web applications. You'll want your resume to showcase your passion for user-centered design and your ability to think critically about the user experience. Employers are looking for candidates who can demonstrate their understanding of UX principles, and are eager to learn and grow in the field.

    When crafting your resume, it's essential to keep in mind that employers in the UX industry are often looking for candidates who can creatively and effectively communicate complex information. Your resume should reflect your ability to do so, both through your content and the layout of the resume itself. Think of your resume as a UX project where the user is the hiring manager— make it visually appealing, easy to navigate, and informative.

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    Tips to help you write your Entry Level UX Designer resume in 2024

    Highlight relevant projects and skills

    As an entry-level candidate, you might not have extensive professional experience, so it's important to highlight your projects or coursework that demonstrate your understanding of UX design principles. Include the tools and software you used, such as Sketch or Adobe XD, as well as any collaboration experiences with cross-functional team members.

    Also see: How to List Projects on a Resume


    Showcase your design process

    Your resume should tell the story of how you approach design challenges, and showcase your problem-solving abilities. Detail the steps you took in a particular project, such as user research, wireframing, prototyping, and usability testing, to help potential employers understand your design process and how you prioritize the user experience.


    Google Docs Template #2

    Entry Level UX Designer Resume Sample

    UX (user experience) design is an emerging industry that relies more heavily on demonstrable skills than extensive experience, so entry level UX designers are very much in demand. Highlighting your UX design experience through projects, internships, and formal certifications is key to landing an entry level UX design role.

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    Tips to help you write your Entry Level UX Designer resume in 2024

    Emphasize UX design internships (or freelance or volunteering experience)

    When you don’t have a lot of work experience in the field you’re trying to break into, internships are the perfect way to show your UX design skills in action. List these like you would any work experience, starting each bullet point with an action verb and using numbers and metrics to highlight what you accomplished.

    Also see: The Proper Way To Include an Internship on a Resume


    University projects relevant to UX design

    If you’re applying to an entry level position, use university projects and coursework to your advantage. Recent graduates should lead with your education section and include whatever relevant experience you can. Volunteer work, additional qualifications, and even extracurricular activities can all highlight your relevant skills and work ethic.

    Also see: How to List Projects on a Resume


    Text Template #3

    Entry Level UX Designer Resume Sample

    Your Name

    Entry Level UX Designer

    City, Country(123) 456-789[emailprotected]linkedin.com/in/your-profile


    Resume Worded June 2022 – Present

    Junior UX Designer

    Optimized the user experience of Resume Worded's flagship product, resulting in a 40% increase in user engagement

    Led workshops on user experience principles, fostering a shared understanding and resulting in a more cohesive final product

    Conducted user research through several methods including interviews, surveys, and usability testing, enhancing understanding of user behaviour by 60%

    Coached.com January 2021 – May 2022

    Graphic Designer Intern

    Designed attention-grabbing graphics that increased social media engagement by 30%

    Conceptualized and designed an intuitive interface for the company’s website, enhancing user satisfaction by 25%

    Created visually compelling dashboards that improved management's information accessibility by 35%


    Resume Worded Academic Center June 2021

    UX/UI Design Certification

    Part-time certification obtained during Graphic Designer Internship

    Emphasis on User Centered Design and Prototyping

    Resume Worded University May 2020

    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Graphic Design

    Focus on Interface Design and Illustration

    Awards: Dean's List 2018-2020


    Design Tools: Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign), Sketch, Figma, InVision, Zeplin, Marvel

    Programming: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (jQuery)

    UX/UI Techniques: User Research, Wire-framing, Prototyping, Usability Testing

    Graphics & Illustration: Branding, Icon Design, Typography, Color Theory


    Certifications: Google UX Design Professional Certification (2021)

    Projects: Redesigned website for local non-profit, resulting in a 50% increase in user engagement and charity donations

    Awards: Top Designer, Dribbble Weekly Challenge (2020)

    Volunteering: Provided graphic design services for neighborhood animal shelter (2020-2022)

    Text Template #4

    UI/UX Designer Resume Sample

    Your Name

    UI/UX Designer

    City, Country(123) 456-789[emailprotected]linkedin.com/in/your-profile


    Microsoft February 2023 - Present

    UI/UX Designer

    Reconfigured site navigation resulting in a 35% increase in site use efficiency

    Designed mobile-first interfaces for 5 unique apps, leading to a 20% increase in users for each

    Developed user personas based on consumer data, which simplified decision-making process for design and content teams

    Resume Worded August 2021 - January 2023

    Web Designer

    Developed website wireframes and interactive prototypes, leading to a 40% increase in client satisfaction

    Collaborated with developers to turn designs into responsive websites, reducing site load time by 20%


    Resume Worded University May 2021

    Master of Science in User Experience Design

    Emphasis in Interactive Design

    Resume Worded Academic Center March 2020

    Certificate in Web Development

    Learned HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL


    Design Tools: Adobe XD, Sketch, Figma, Balsamiq, Marvel, InVision, Photoshop, Illustrator

    Development Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, PHP

    UX Research: User Interviews, User Testing, Persona Creation, Task Analysis, Heuristic Evaluation

    UX Design: Interaction Design, Information Architecture, Wireframing, Prototyping


    Certifications: Certified Usability Analyst (CUA), Human Factors International (2023)

    Projects: Redesigned e-commerce website, increasing conversion rate by 15%

    Awards: Best UI Design, Resume Worded Showcase (2022)

    Volunteering: Ran UX Workshops for aspiring designers, Resume Worded Foundation (2021-2023)

    Text Template #5

    UX Researcher Resume Sample

    Your Name

    UX Researcher

    City, Country(123) 456-789[emailprotected]linkedin.com/in/your-profile


    Coached.com March 2022 - Present

    UX Researcher

    Implemented user testing workflows which increased product development efficiency by 25%

    Conducted comprehensive user studies, resulting in 30% improvement in user satisfaction

    Communicated research findings to cross-disciplinary teams, leading to better product development decisions

    Apple February 2021 - February 2022

    UX Designer

    Produced high-quality storyboards, wireframes, and mock-ups that satisfied project requirements

    Conducted regular user tests, ensuring a user-centered design approach that increased usability scores by 25%


    Resume Worded Institute March 2022

    Certification in User Experience (UX) Design

    Completed alongside working at Coached.com

    Resume Worded University June 2020

    Bachelor of Arts in Interactive Design

    Specialized in User Interface (UI) Design

    Awards: Graduated with Honors, Deans' List (Top 10%)


    Design Tools: Sketch, InVision, Figma, After Effects, Proto.io, Adobe XD

    Research & Usability Testing: Google Analytics, Optimizely, Hotjar, UserTesting, OptimalSort, Treejack

    Prototyping & Wireframing: Axure, Balsamiq, Marvel, Sketch, Figma, Omnigraffle

    Programming & Coding: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Python


    Certifications: Certified Usability Analyst (CUA) - Human Factors International (2022)

    Projects: Redesigned and improved user experience for non-profit organization's website, leading to a 40% increase in donations

    Leadership & Volunteering: UXPA International - Regular contributor to the community and mentor for junior UX professionals

    Awards: Adobe Design Achievement Awards - Semi-finalist in UX/UI Design (2021)

    Text Template #6

    UI Designer Resume Sample

    Your Name

    UI Designer

    City, Country(123) 456-789[emailprotected]linkedin.com/in/your-profile


    Resume Worded February 2023 – Present

    UI Designer

    Swiftly learned Adobe XD and Figma to align with company technology stack, leading to a 10% increase in design efficiency

    Ensured 100% consistency between product design and user interface, leading to positive consumer feedback and a 20% rise in the app's rating

    Coached.com June 2021 - January 2023

    Graphic Designer

    Handled entire design process, from conceptualisation to final output, resulting in a streamlined process and 30% reduction in turnaround time

    Collaborated with design team to produce visually pleasing and user-friendly designs, resulting in a 25% increase in customer satisfaction


    Resume Worded Academic Center January 2023

    Certificate in User Experience Design

    Received certificate just prior to current role, with a focus on advanced UX concepts and testing methodologies

    Resume Worded University May 2021

    Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design

    Specialized in digital design and multimedia production

    Awards: Dean's List 2020 (Top 10%)


    Design Tools: Adobe Creative Suites (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign), Sketch, Figma, InVision, Zeplin

    Prototyping & Wireframing: Axure RP, Balsamiq, UXPin, Marvel

    Programming: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap

    Other Tools: Microsoft Office Suite, Slack, Trello, Jira, Asana


    Certifications: Google UX Design Certificate (2022)

    Projects: Designed and launched an online portfolio showcasing 20+ digital and print design projects

    Awards: Won 1st place in the Resume Worded Design Competition (2021)

    Professional Development: Regular attendee of UX design webinars and local meetups to stay current with latest design trends

    Text Template #7

    UX Architect Resume Sample

    Your Name

    UX Architect

    City, Country(123) 456-789[emailprotected]linkedin.com/in/your-profile


    Google July 2022 - Present

    UX Architect

    Pioneered a new user testing methodology, leading to a 20% improvement in identifying pain points

    Utilized agile methodologies to manage multiple projects, resulting in a 30% increase in productivity

    Presented findings to stakeholders, effectively justifying design choices and resulting in a smoother design approval process

    Resume Worded March 2021 - June 2022

    UI/UX Designer

    Standardized guidelines for UX best practices, resulting in a 15% improvement in design consistency across products

    Designed an intuitive user interface for a new mobile app, leading to 20% higher downloads in the first month of launch


    Resume Worded University May 2020

    Master of Science - Human-Computer Interaction

    Thesis: Improving User Experience Design Through Integrative Workflow Analysis

    Resume Worded University April 2018

    Bachelor of Arts - Visual Communication

    Specialization in Digital Media

    President of UX/UI Design Club


    Design Software: Sketch, Figma, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects

    Programming: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Python

    UX/UI Skills: Wireframing, User Testing, Prototyping, Information Architecture, Interaction Design, Visual Design

    Other: Analytics (Google Analytics), SEO, Agile Development Process


    Certifications: Certified Usability Analyst (CUA) - Human Factors International, Agile Scrum Certification

    Projects: Designed an eCommerce mobile app improving user conversion rate by 20%, Redesigned corporate website resulting in 35% increase in user engagement

    Publications: Co-authored 'The Fundamentals of User Experience' - Published in 'User Experience Journal' in 2021

    Awards: Best UI/UX Designer - Resume Worded 2021, Google Innovator Award 2022

    Entry Level UX Designer Resume Tips

    As a hiring manager who has recruited for UX design roles at companies like Google, Adobe, and Dropbox, I've reviewed hundreds of resumes for entry-level UX designers. Based on my experience, I've compiled a list of tips that will help your resume stand out and increase your chances of landing an interview. These tips complement the resume examples provided earlier and will give you a competitive edge in your job search.

    Showcase your design process

    Employers want to see how you approach design problems and come up with solutions. In your resume, highlight your design process by including:

    • How you conducted user research and synthesized findings to inform design decisions
    • Your experience creating user flows, wireframes, and prototypes using tools like Sketch, Figma, or Adobe XD
    • Examples of how you iterated on designs based on user feedback and testing

    By showcasing your design process, you demonstrate your ability to think critically and solve problems, which are essential skills for UX designers.


    Include relevant projects and case studies

    As an entry-level UX designer, you may not have extensive professional experience. However, you can still showcase your skills and potential by including relevant projects and case studies in your resume. When describing your projects:

    • Provide context about the problem you were trying to solve and the target users
    • Highlight your role and specific contributions to the project
    • Quantify the impact of your work, such as increased user engagement or reduced time to complete a task
    Designed a mobile app for a local non-profit organization, resulting in a 30% increase in volunteer sign-ups and a 25% reduction in time spent on administrative tasks.

    Emphasize your collaboration and communication skills

    UX design is a highly collaborative field that requires working with cross-functional teams, including product managers, developers, and other stakeholders. Employers value candidates who can effectively communicate and collaborate with others. In your resume:

    • Highlight your experience working in teams and your ability to communicate design concepts to non-designers
    • Provide examples of how you collaborated with developers to ensure designs were feasible and aligned with technical constraints
    • Mention your experience presenting design solutions to stakeholders and incorporating their feedback

    By emphasizing your collaboration and communication skills, you show employers that you can thrive in a team environment and contribute to the success of the project.

    Tailor your resume to the job description

    One common mistake entry-level UX designers make is using the same generic resume for all job applications. Instead:

    • Carefully review the job description and identify the key skills and requirements
    • Customize your resume to highlight your relevant skills and experiences that match the job description
    • Use similar language and terminology as the job description to show your familiarity with the company and industry

    For example, if the job description emphasizes user research skills, make sure to:

    • Only mention user research in passing without providing specifics
    • Dedicate a section to your user research experience and include details about the methods you used, such as interviews, surveys, or usability testing

    Show your passion for UX design

    Employers want to hire entry-level UX designers who are passionate about the field and eager to learn and grow. Show your passion for UX design by:

    • Including personal projects or side hustles that demonstrate your initiative and enthusiasm for design
    • Mentioning your involvement in UX design communities, such as attending conferences, workshops, or meetups
    • Highlighting any additional training or certifications you've completed to expand your skills

    By showing your passion for UX design, you demonstrate to employers that you are dedicated to your craft and have the drive to succeed in the role.

    Keep your design simple and easy to read

    As a UX designer, your resume should reflect your design skills and attention to detail. However, some entry-level designers make the mistake of:

    • Using overly complex or cluttered layouts that are difficult to read
    • Including too many colors, fonts, or graphics that distract from the content

    Instead, keep your resume design simple, clean, and easy to read by:

    • Using a clear hierarchy and consistent formatting throughout the document
    • Choosing a legible font and appropriate font sizes for headings and body text
    • Incorporating white space to break up sections and improve readability
    • Using color sparingly and purposefully to highlight key information or create visual interest

    Remember, the goal is to showcase your content and make it easy for employers to quickly scan and find the information they need.

    Writing Your Entry Level UX Designer Resume: Section By Section

    Jump to the section you're working on:
    Summary | Experience | Education | Skills |


    A resume summary is an optional section that provides a brief overview of your professional background, key skills, and career goals. While it's not a mandatory component of your resume, it can be a valuable addition for entry-level UX designers looking to provide context and highlight their most relevant qualifications. However, it's important to note that an objective statement should never be used in place of a summary, as it tends to focus more on what you want rather than what you can offer an employer.

    When crafting your summary, keep in mind that it should complement the rest of your resume without repeating information verbatim. Use this space to emphasize your target job title, showcase your most relevant skills, and provide a glimpse into your unique value proposition. Remember to keep your summary concise, typically no more than a short paragraph, and avoid using bullet points or directly mentioning soft skills.


    1. Tailor your summary to the UX design role

    When writing your summary for an entry-level UX designer position, it's crucial to align your language with the specific requirements and responsibilities of the role. Research the company and the job description to identify the key skills and qualifications they are seeking in a candidate.

    For example, if the job description emphasizes user research, wireframing, and prototyping, make sure to highlight your experience or training in these areas:

    Recent graduate with a B.S. in Human-Computer Interaction seeking an entry-level UX designer position. Skilled in conducting user research, creating wireframes, and developing interactive prototypes using tools such as Sketch and InVision. Passionate about creating intuitive and user-centered designs that solve real-world problems.

    Avoid using generic or irrelevant information that doesn't showcase your fit for the specific role, like this:

    • Hardworking individual looking for opportunities in the tech industry
    • Experienced in sales and customer service, now seeking a career change

    To ensure your summary is tailored to the job, try using Targeted Resume to check if your resume has the right skills and keywords compared to the job description.

    2. Demonstrate your UX design process and thinking

    As an entry-level UX designer, employers want to see that you have a solid understanding of the UX design process and can apply critical thinking skills to solve user problems. Use your summary to touch on your approach to UX design and the value you bring to the table.

    Showcase your UX design process and thinking with examples like:

    • User-centered designer adept at leveraging research insights to inform design decisions and create intuitive, accessible user experiences.
    • Collaborative team player experienced in working with cross-functional teams to align business goals with user needs and deliver impactful design solutions.

    Avoid using buzzwords or vague statements that don't provide insight into your UX design capabilities, such as:

    UX designer with a proven track record of creating innovative designs. Skilled in Adobe Creative Suite and wireframing.

    After crafting your summary, consider using Score My Resume to receive instant expert feedback on your resume based on the 30+ key criteria hiring managers care about, ensuring you make the best possible impression.


    The work experience section is the most important part of your entry level UX designer resume. It's where you show hiring managers how you've applied your skills to real-world projects and made an impact.

    In this section, we'll break down the key steps to writing a compelling work experience section that will catch the eye of recruiters and hiring managers.

    1. Use strong UX design action verbs

    When describing your work experiences, use strong action verbs that are relevant to UX design:

    • Designed user flows and wireframes for a mobile app that increased user engagement by 30%
    • Conducted user research and usability testing to identify pain points and improve product onboarding
    • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to define product requirements and ship new features

    Avoid weak, passive language like:

    • Worked on designing user flows
    • Helped with user research
    • Assisted with defining product requirements

    Tip: Use the Score My Resume tool to get instant feedback on your resume and ensure you're using strong action verbs throughout.

    2. Quantify your impact with metrics

    Whenever possible, use metrics to quantify the impact of your work. This helps hiring managers understand the scope and significance of your contributions.

    For example:

    • Redesigned checkout flow, reducing cart abandonment by 25% and increasing conversions by $50K/month
    • Conducted 30+ user interviews to gather insights that informed product roadmap and led to a 20% increase in user satisfaction
    "Overhauled information architecture of website with 500+ pages, improving navigation and reducing bounce rate by 15%"

    If you don't have access to exact metrics, use numbers to provide a sense of scale, like "Designed 20+ high-fidelity mockups for a enterprise SaaS product"

    3. Highlight your career growth and promotions

    Showcase your career progression by highlighting any promotions, increased responsibilities, or leadership roles.

    For example:

    • Promoted to Lead UX Designer within 1 year, managing a team of 3 designers
    • Took on additional responsibilities as the company grew, including defining design system and onboarding new team members

    This demonstrates your ability to grow and take on more complex challenges, which is attractive to employers.

    Tip: Bold your job titles, especially if you've been promoted, so recruiters can quickly see your career trajectory at a glance.

    4. Showcase relevant UX design tools and skills

    Highlight your proficiency with industry-standard UX design tools and methodologies, and how you've applied them on the job.

    For example:

    • Created interactive prototypes using Figma and InVision to communicate design concepts to stakeholders
    • Conducted A/B testing using Optimizely to validate design decisions and improve conversion rates
    • Utilized Agile and Scrum methodologies to collaborate with developers and ship features on time

    This shows hiring managers that you have the practical skills and experience needed to hit the ground running in an entry level UX designer role.

    Try using the Targeted Resume tool to check if your resume has the right skills and keywords for a specific UX designer job you're interested in.


    Your education section is a key part of your entry level UX designer resume. It shows hiring managers that you have the necessary training and knowledge for the role. Here are some tips to make your education section stand out.

    1. Put education at the top if you're a recent grad

    If you graduated within the last 1-2 years, put your education section above your work experience. Hiring managers know entry level candidates may not have much professional experience yet, so they look at education first.

    Include your degree, major, university name and location, and graduation year:

    Bachelor of Science in Human-Computer Interaction
    University of California, San Diego, CA
    Graduated: June 2022

    If you just graduated, feel free to include an expected graduation date instead of the exact month and year you received your degree.

    2. Showcase relevant coursework and projects

    As an entry level candidate, you may not have a lot of real-world UX design experience yet. So it's important to show hiring managers the relevant skills you gained through your coursework.

    Include a list of the most applicable courses, assignments, and projects you completed:

    • Courses: Interaction Design, User Research Methods, Information Architecture
    • Capstone project: Designed a mobile app for a local non-profit; conducted user interviews, created wireframes and prototypes

    Only include coursework that relates directly to UX design. Leave off general education and elective courses.

    3. Add design certifications to education section

    Have you completed any UX design certifications? Include them in your education section to show your dedication to learning industry skills.

    List the certification name, organization, and completion date:

    • Professional Certificate in UX Design
      Google, May 2022
    • UI Design Certification
      Interaction Design Foundation, April 2022

    Don't have any certifications? Consider completing a UX bootcamp or online program. Many take less than 6 months and equip you with job-ready skills.

    Only include certifications from reputable organizations and programs. A certification from a random online course won't impress hiring managers.

    4. Keep the education section brief if you're experienced

    What if you're an experienced professional making a career change into UX design? In that case, keep your education section short and near the bottom of your resume.

    Hiring managers are more interested in your transferable skills and professional accomplishments. So just include your degree, university, and graduation year:

    B.A. English, University of Florida

    Avoid listing:

    • Graduation dates more than 10-15 years ago
    • High school education if you have a degree
    • Unrelated certifications or training

    If you recently completed a bootcamp or certification to transition into UX, you can include that in your education section. Just keep the details minimal.


    The skills section is a critical part of your UX designer resume. It's where you showcase your technical abilities, design tools proficiency, and industry knowledge. Hiring managers and recruiters often scan this section first to quickly assess if you have the right skills for the role.

    Here are some key tips to keep in mind as you write your skills section:

    1. Understand how applicant tracking systems (ATS) work

    Many companies use applicant tracking systems to filter resumes based on keywords, including the skills section. ATS helps recruiters quickly identify qualified candidates by scanning for relevant terms from the job description.

    To optimize your skills section for ATS:

    • Include skills mentioned verbatim in the job description
    • Use both acronyms and full terms (e.g. 'UI' and 'User Interface')
    • Avoid listing skills in tables or images, which ATS can't parse
    User interface (UI) design, user experience (UX) design, wireframing, prototyping, Sketch, InVision, HTML, CSS, Agile methodology

    After tailoring your skills to the job description, use a tool like Targeted Resume from Resume Worded to check if your resume has the right skills and keywords to get past ATS filters. It compares your resume to the job description and provides a match score.

    2. Categorize your UX skills into relevant groupings

    As an entry-level UX designer, you likely have a range of skills across user research, interaction design, and prototyping. To make your skills section easy to scan, group your skills into categories:

    • UX Research: User interviews, usability testing, persona development
    • Interaction Design: Wireframing, prototyping, information architecture
    • Visual Design: UI design, typography, color theory
    • Tools: Sketch, Figma, InVision, Adobe Creative Suite
    • Programming: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

    Grouping your skills shows hiring managers your areas of expertise at a glance and that you understand key components of the UX design process.

    Avoid creating too many skill categories, which can look cluttered. Stick to 3-5 groupings that are most relevant to the specific UX designer role you're applying for.

    3. Showcase proficiency levels for your top UX skills

    Many entry-level UX designers make the mistake of simply listing skills without indicating their level of proficiency. This makes it difficult for hiring managers to assess your strengths.

    Instead, consider using beginner/intermediate/advanced or a star rating system to show your comfort level with each skill:

    UX Skills:
    User research (advanced)
    Wireframing (advanced)
    Prototyping (intermediate)
    UI design (beginner)


    UX Skills:
    Usability testing ★★★★★
    Interaction design ★★★★☆
    Visual design ★★★☆☆

    This approach provides a more honest and transparent assessment of your abilities as a new UX designer and helps set expectations with potential employers.

    Use proficiency levels sparingly and only for your top 4-5 skills. Rating yourself as a beginner or using 1-2 stars for too many skills can raise red flags. Focus on highlighting a few key strengths.

    4. Leave out soft skills and generic buzzwords

    While soft skills like communication, teamwork and problem-solving are important for UX designers, they don't belong in your skills section. This section should focus on hard technical skills and tools of the trade.

    UX/UI Skills: Communication, detail-oriented, wireframing, Sketch, problem-solving, prototyping, team player, visual design

    Soft skills are better demonstrated through your work experience, projects and achievements. And generic buzzwords like 'team player' and 'detail-oriented' are overused and won't help you stand out.

    UX/UI Skills: Wireframing, prototyping, Sketch, Adobe XD, InVision, UI design, interaction design, user flows

    A concise, targeted list of your top technical UX skills is much more impactful than a long list padded with fluff.

    Use a tool like Score My Resume from Resume Worded to get instant feedback on your skills section. It checks for key UX designer skills hiring managers look for and flags generic soft skills and buzzwords that should be removed.

    5. Tailor your UX skills to the job description

    The most effective UX designer skills sections are tailored to the specific job you're applying for. While you may have a range of UX skills, not all of them will be relevant for every role.

    For example, if a job emphasizes user research and usability testing, highlight those skills more prominently:

    UX Research Skills: User interviews, usability testing, surveys, user flows, journey mapping

    If the role is more visual design heavy, adjust your skills accordingly:

    UI Design Skills: Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD, responsive design, design systems, typography, color theory

    Tailoring your skills section shows hiring managers you've read the job description carefully and have the specific skills they're looking for. It also helps your resume get past ATS filters that scan for relevant keywords.

    Always keep a master list of all your UX skills, tools and proficiencies. Then customize a version of your skills section for each job application. This ensures you're always putting your most relevant skills front and center.

    Skills For Entry Level UX Designer Resumes

    Here are examples of popular skills from Entry Level UX Designer job descriptions that you can include on your resume.

    • Usability
    • Usability Testing
    • Design Thinking
    • User Interface Design
    • User Experience Testing
    • Graphic Design
    • User Experience Design (UED)
    • Sketch App
    • UX Research
    • User-centered Design

    Match Your Resume To These Skills

    Skills Word Cloud For Entry Level UX Designer Resumes

    This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Entry Level UX Designer job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more likely you should include it in your resume.

    Entry Level UX Designer Resume Examples for 2024 | Resume Worded (10)

    For more skills, visit .

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    Article information

    Author: Dan Stracke

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5979

    Rating: 4.2 / 5 (43 voted)

    Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Dan Stracke

    Birthday: 1992-08-25

    Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

    Phone: +398735162064

    Job: Investor Government Associate

    Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

    Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.