How to use OwO bot commands on Discord - Discord Emoji (2024)

If you're a Discord user, you may have heard of the OwO bot. This bot is known for its amusing social commands, particularly the animal-themed ones that let you hunt down, sell, sacrifice, and battle against others. But with so many commands available, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. In this article, we'll show you how to use OwO bot commands to make the most of your Discord experience.

To get started with OwO bot, you'll first need to invite it to your Discord server. You can do this by clicking on the invite link on the official OwO bot website or by searching for "OwO bot invite" on Google. Once you've invited the bot, you'll need to give it the necessary permissions to access your server. This will allow you to use all of the bot's commands.

One of the primary functions of OwO bot is the ability to hunt down animals. To do this, you can use the command "owo hunt" or its aliases "h" or "catch." Each hunt costs 5 cowoncy and gives you one animal without gems. Using gems allows you to capture more animals and special gem tier pets. With this basic understanding of how to get started with OwO bot, let's dive into some of the most popular commands and how to use them.

About Owo Bot

Owo Bot is a popular Discord bot that allows users to play games, collect animals, and interact with other users on Discord. The bot was created by the user @scuttler and is currently serving over 2 million Discord servers.

The primary theme of Owo Bot is about building a zoo and hunting for animals. You can collect animals by using the hunt command and then battle them against other users. There are also various other commands that allow you to trade, sell, and upgrade your animals.

If you are new to Owo Bot, you can use the help command to get started. The help command will provide you with a list of all available commands and their descriptions. If you need further assistance, you can join the Owo Bot Discord server and ask for help from the community.

Before using Owo Bot, it is important to familiarize yourself with the rules and guidelines. Each server may have their own set of rules and guidelines for using the bot, so be sure to read them carefully. You can also use the rule command to view the rules of the server you are in.

To use Owo Bot, you will need to invite it to your Discord server. You can do this by visiting the Owo Bot website and clicking on the "Invite" button. Once Owo Bot is added to your server, you can use the prefix command to set the bot's prefix for your server.

Overall, Owo Bot is a fun and interactive way to engage with other users on Discord. With a variety of games and commands available, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

Getting Started with Commands

If you're new to using the OwO Bot commands, it can be overwhelming at first. But don't worry, we've got you covered. In this section, we'll go over the basics of using commands, how to get help, and how to ask questions if you're stuck.


Commands are the backbone of OwO Bot. They allow you to interact with the game, battle other players, and collect animals. To get started, you'll need to know how to use commands. The basic syntax for a command is:

owo [command] [arguments]

For example, if you want to see a list of all available commands, you would type:

owo help

This will bring up a list of all available commands, along with a brief description of what they do. From here, you can start exploring and using commands to play the game.


If you ever find yourself stuck or unsure of what to do next, the owo help command is your friend. This command will bring up a list of all available commands, along with a brief description of what they do. You can also get help for a specific command by typing:

owo help [command]

This will give you more detailed information about how to use the command, along with any available options or arguments.

Asking for Help

If you can't find the information you need in the owo help command, don't worry. OwO Bot has a helpful community of players and moderators who are always willing to help. You can ask for help in the OwO Bot Discord server, or on other gaming forums and communities. When asking for help, be sure to provide as much information as possible, including the command you're trying to use, any error messages you're seeing, and any other relevant information.

With these basics, you should be able to get started with OwO Bot commands and start collecting animals and battling other players. Remember to always read the owo help command for more information, and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it.

Currency and Economy

One of the most important aspects of the OWO bot is the currency and economy system. The currency used in the OWO bot is called "cowoncy." You can earn cowoncy by using various commands, such as owo daily, owo vote, and owo hunt. You can also earn cowoncy by participating in battles and selling items.

Once you have cowoncy, you can use it to buy items and weapons in the shop, or you can sell your items to other users. To sell an item, use the command owo sell [item name] [price]. Other users can then use the command owo buy [item name] to purchase your item.

In addition to buying and selling items, you can also participate in various games of chance, such as coin flip and lottery. These games allow you to potentially earn more cowoncy, but they also come with a risk of losing your money.

Overall, the economy system in the OWO bot is designed to be fun and engaging, while also providing a sense of progression and achievement. With careful management of your cowoncy, you can build up a powerful arsenal of weapons and items, and become a force to be reckoned with in battles.

Inventory Management

Managing your inventory is an essential part of using the OwO bot. To access your inventory, type owo inventory or owo inv. Your inventory contains various items such as rings, Patreon tickets, fabled loot boxes, loot boxes, gems, weapon crates, weapons, and wallpapers. If you have not obtained some of these items, gotten rid of them, or used them up, they won't show up in your inventory.

Each ring in your inventory has an ID number from 1 to 7. To equip a ring, type owo equip [id]. For example, to equip the ring with ID number 3, type owo equip 3. You can only equip one ring at a time, and equipping a new ring will replace the previous one.

To give an item to another user, type owo give [user] [item] [amount]. For example, to give 5 gems to a user named John, type owo give John gem 5.

You can view the details of a weapon in your inventory by typing owo weapon [weapon name]. This will show you the weapon's stats, rarity, and other information.

To upgrade a weapon, you need a weapon shard. You can obtain weapon shards by opening loot boxes or buying them from the shop. To upgrade a weapon, type owo upgrade [weapon name]. This will consume a weapon shard and increase the weapon's stats.

Managing your inventory is crucial to your success in OwO bot. Make sure to equip the right ring and upgrade your weapons to become more powerful.

Interactive Commands

OwO Bot offers a wide range of interactive commands that you can use to have fun with your friends on Discord. These commands are designed to be engaging and entertaining, and can help you build stronger relationships with other members of your server. Here are some of the most popular interactive commands that you can use with OwO Bot:

  • Fun: The fun command allows you to use a variety of emotes to express different emotions. For example, you can use the command "owo fun pat @username" to pat someone on the head, or "owo fun highfive @username" to give someone a high five.

  • Pat: The pat command allows you to pat someone on the head. This is a great way to show someone that you care about them and appreciate their contributions to your server. You can use the command "owo pat @username" to pat someone on the head.

  • Nom: The nom command allows you to pretend to eat someone. This is a fun way to tease your friends and make them laugh. You can use the command "owo nom @username" to pretend to eat someone.

  • Kill: The kill command allows you to pretend to kill someone. This is a fun way to playfully tease your friends and make them laugh. You can use the command "owo kill @username" to pretend to kill someone.

  • Highfive: The highfive command allows you to give someone a high five. This is a great way to show someone that you appreciate them and are happy to have them in your server. You can use the command "owo highfive @username" to give someone a high five.

  • Bite: The bite command allows you to pretend to bite someone. This is a fun way to playfully tease your friends and make them laugh. You can use the command "owo bite @username" to pretend to bite someone.

  • Greet: The greet command allows you to greet someone. This is a great way to welcome someone to your server and make them feel at home. You can use the command "owo greet @username" to greet someone.

  • Punch: The punch command allows you to pretend to punch someone. This is a fun way to playfully tease your friends and make them laugh. You can use the command "owo punch @username" to pretend to punch someone.

  • Handholding: The handholding command allows you to hold someone's hand. This is a great way to show someone that you care about them and are there for them. You can use the command "owo handholding @username" to hold someone's hand.

  • Tickle: The tickle command allows you to tickle someone. This is a fun way to playfully tease your friends and make them laugh. You can use the command "owo tickle @username" to tickle someone.

  • Hold: The hold command allows you to hold someone. This is a great way to show someone that you care about them and are there for them. You can use the command "owo hold @username" to hold someone.

  • Pats: The pats command allows you to give someone pats on the head. This is a great way to show someone that you appreciate them and are happy to have them in your server. You can use the command "owo pats @username" to give someone pats on the head.

  • Wave: The wave command allows you to wave at someone. This is a great way to say hello and make someone feel welcome. You can use the command "owo wave @username" to wave at someone.

  • Boop: The boop command allows you to boop someone on the nose. This is a fun way to playfully tease your friends and make them laugh. You can use the command "owo boop @username" to boop someone on the nose.

  • Snuggle: The snuggle command allows you to snuggle with someone. This is a great way to show someone that you care about them and are there for them. You can use the command "owo snuggle @username" to snuggle with someone.

  • Bully: The bully command allows you to pretend to bully someone. This is a fun way to playfully tease your friends and make them laugh. You can use the command "owo bully @username" to pretend to bully someone.

Overall, OwO Bot's interactive commands are a great way to have fun and build stronger relationships with other members of your server. Whether you're patting someone on the head, giving them a high five, or pretending to tickle them, these commands are sure to put a smile on everyone's face. So go ahead and try them out today!

Emotional Commands

OwO Bot has a variety of emotional commands that can be used to express your feelings. These commands include emoji, gifs, pictures, and more.

Emoji Commands

You can use emoji commands to express your emotions. For example, if you are feeling happy, you can use the owo happy command. Some other popular emoji commands include owo blush, owo cry, owo dance, owo lewd, and owo thinking.

Gif and Picture Commands

OwO Bot has a large collection of gifs and pictures that can be used to express your emotions. You can use the owo gif {emotion} command to search for a gif that matches your mood. Some popular gif commands include owo gif happy, owo gif sad, owo gif love, and owo gif angry. If you prefer pictures, you can use the owo pic {emotion} command to search for a picture that matches your mood.

Choose Command

If you are having trouble making a decision, you can use the owo choose {option1} {option2} command. OwO Bot will randomly choose one of the options for you. This command can be useful for making decisions or settling disputes.

Emotes Command

You can use the owo emotes command to see a list of all the available emotes in OwO Bot. Emotes are small images that can be used to express emotions or reactions. Some popular emotes include owo uwu, owo owo, and owo pog.

Overall, OwO Bot has a wide variety of emotional commands that can be used to express your feelings. Whether you want to use emoji, gifs, pictures, or emotes, OwO Bot has you covered.

Gaming Commands

OwO Bot has a number of gaming commands that allow you to play games and win rewards. These commands are a great way to have fun and earn cowoncy at the same time. Here are some of the gaming commands that you can use:


The slots command allows you to play a game of slots. You can use this command to win cowoncy and other rewards. To play the game, simply use the command owo slots. You can also use the owo slot command to play a single slot.


The blackjack command allows you to play a game of blackjack. You can use this command to win cowoncy and other rewards. To play the game, simply use the command owo blackjack.


The coinflip command allows you to flip a coin and win cowoncy. To use this command, simply use the command owo coinflip. You can also specify the amount of cowoncy you want to bet by using the command owo coinflip <amount>.


The rr command allows you to play a game of roulette. You can use this command to win cowoncy and other rewards. To play the game, simply use the command owo rr.

Slots Checklist

The cl command allows you to check your progress on the slots checklist. To use this command, simply use the command owo cl.

Slots Shop

The s command allows you to buy items from the slots shop. To use this command, simply use the command owo s.

These gaming commands are a great way to have fun and earn rewards. Try them out and see how much cowoncy you can win!

Hunting and Pets

Hunting is at the core of OwO Bot, and it is the process of catching animals and filling up your zoo. There are two ways to hunt in OwO Bot - manual hunting and autohunting. Manual hunting provides one animal without the use of gems, while autohunting hunts for animals automatically using gems. Each manual hunt will cost 5 Cowoncy, regardless of whether you are using gems or not.

To start hunting, use the command owo hunt. You can use owo autohunt to automatically hunt for animals using gems. The amount of gems spent per hunt can be set using the owo set gemhunt <amount> command.

Pets are another essential part of OwO Bot. You can have up to three pets at a time, and they can help you hunt for animals and provide other benefits. Each pet has a default name, but you can rename them using the owo rename <animal> <name> command. The new name will show up in your pets list along with the pet's current level and the amount of XP they have gained.

Pets can level up by gaining XP, and they can reach up to level 100. You can gain XP for your pets by hunting for animals, using the owo pet feed <food> command, and completing quests. The higher the pet's level, the more benefits it provides, such as increased hunting success rate and increased Cowoncy and gem rewards.

Your pets can also evolve into stronger forms by reaching certain levels and using certain items. You can view the evolution requirements for each pet using the owo pet evolutions command.

Finally, the zoo is where all your caught animals are stored. You can view your zoo using the owo zoo command. You can also sell animals in your zoo using the owo sell <animal> command. The amount of Cowoncy you receive for selling an animal depends on its rarity and level.

In conclusion, hunting, pets, and the zoo are essential parts of OwO Bot. By mastering these features, you can catch more animals, level up your pets, and build a fantastic zoo.

Battles and Rewards

One of the main features of OwO bot is the ability to battle other users. You can initiate a battle by using the command owo battle @user. The winner of the battle is determined by the player with the highest score, which is calculated based on a combination of stats such as Physical Attack, Physical Resistance, Magical Attack, and Magical Resistance.

Battles are not only a fun way to interact with other users, but they also offer rewards. Winning a battle earns you Cowoncy, the currency used in OwO bot, as well as experience points (XP) which can be used to level up your account. You can also earn loot crates and rare items by winning battles.

In addition to battles, OwO bot offers other ways to earn rewards. Daily rewards can be claimed once every 24 hours by using the command owo daily. Quests are also available and can be accessed using the command owo quest. Completing quests earns you Cowoncy and XP.

To keep track of your progress and rewards, you can use the owo checklist command. This command displays a list of tasks that you can complete to earn rewards, such as winning battles or completing quests. Once you complete a task, you can use the owo check command to mark it as complete.

Overall, battles and rewards are a great way to engage with other users and earn rewards in OwO bot. By utilizing the various commands available, you can level up your account and earn rare items to show off to your friends.

Special Features

OwO Bot has several special features that enhance your experience on Discord. Here are some of the most notable ones:

Level System

OwO Bot has a level system that tracks your activity on Discord. The more you chat, the more experience points you earn, and the higher your level becomes. You can check your current level by using the command owo profile.

Catching Animals

One of the main features of OwO Bot is catching animals. You can catch animals by using the command owo catch. Different animals have different rarities, so catching rare animals can be quite challenging.


Lootboxes are a fun way to earn rewards in OwO Bot. You can purchase lootboxes using the command owo buy lootbox. Each lootbox contains a random reward, which can range from common items to rare animals.

Ranking System

OwO Bot has a ranking system that shows the top players based on their cowoncy (the in-game currency) balance. You can check the rankings by using the command owo rankings.

OwO Daily

OwO Daily is a feature that rewards you with free cowoncy and items every day. You can claim your daily reward by using the command owo daily.

Rename Command

If you want to change your username on OwO Bot, you can use the owo rename command. This command allows you to change your OwO Bot name without changing your Discord username.

Thumbs Up/Down

You can show your approval or disapproval of a message by using the thumbs up or thumbs down reaction. OwO Bot keeps track of the thumbs up and thumbs down reactions and displays them in the chat.

Vote System

OwO Bot has a vote system that allows you to vote for your favorite animal. You can vote by using the command owo vote. The animal with the most votes becomes the "Animal of the Month."

Ping Command

If you want to check the latency of OwO Bot, you can use the owo ping command. This command shows the current latency of the bot in milliseconds.


OwO Bot has a large and active community on Discord. You can join the community by joining the OwO Bot Discord server, where you can chat with other players, participate in events, and get help with the bot. The creator of OwO Bot, Scuttler, is also active on the server and frequently interacts with the community.

Advanced Usage

Now that you're familiar with the basics of using OWO bot commands, it's time to explore some advanced usage. Here are some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the bot:


If you're looking to battle other users, you can create or join a team. To create a team, use the command owo team create [name]. Once you've created a team, you can invite other users to join by using owo team invite [user]. You can also leave a team by using owo team leave.


Weapons can be used to increase your chances of winning battles. You can equip a weapon by using owo equip [weapon]. To see a list of available weapons, use owo weapon list.


OWO bot also has some social features that allow you to interact with other users. You can give someone a hug by using owo hug [user], or high-five them with owo highfive [user]. You can also send someone a cookie with owo cookie [user].


Def is a stat that determines how much damage you take in battle. To increase your def, you can use the owo sacrifice command. This will sacrifice an animal in your inventory to increase your def.


Sacrifice is a powerful command that allows you to sacrifice animals in your inventory to gain rewards. To use it, simply type owo sacrifice. You'll be given a list of animals to choose from, and each one will give you a different reward.

By using these advanced features, you'll be able to get the most out of OWO bot and dominate the competition.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some popular Owo bot commands?

Owo bot has a wide range of commands that users can enjoy. Some of the most popular commands include hunt and autohunt, which allow you to collect animals and earn money. Other popular commands include battle, crate, sell, inventory, and equip, which allow you to battle with your collected animals, open crates, sell items, manage your inventory, and equip items, respectively.

How can I earn money using Owo bot commands?

There are several ways to earn money using Owo bot commands. One of the easiest ways is to use the daily command, which allows you to claim a daily reward. You can also earn money by using the hunt and autohunt commands, which allow you to collect animals and sell them for money. Additionally, you can earn money by participating in battles and completing quests.

What are the available animal commands for Owo bot?

Owo bot has a variety of animal commands that allow you to collect and manage animals. Some of the available animal commands include hunt, autohunt, owodex, inventory, equip, rename, and zoo. These commands allow you to collect animals, view your collection, manage your inventory, rename animals, and view your zoo.

How do I set up Owo bot on my Discord server?

Setting up Owo bot on your Discord server is easy. First, you need to invite the bot to your server by clicking on the invite link provided on the Owo bot website. Once the bot is added to your server, you can start using the commands by typing them in the chat. You can also customize the bot's settings by using the settings command.

What is the purpose of Owo in Discord?

The purpose of Owo bot is to provide a fun and interactive experience for Discord users. The bot allows users to collect animals, battle with other users, and earn money by completing quests and participating in battles. Additionally, the bot has a variety of social commands that allow users to interact with each other and have fun.

How do I enable bot commands in Discord?

To enable bot commands in Discord, you need to make sure that the bot has the necessary permissions. The bot should have the "Read Messages" and "Send Messages" permissions enabled in the channel where you want to use the commands. Additionally, the bot should have the "Manage Messages" permission enabled if you want to use commands that delete messages.

How to use OwO bot commands on Discord - Discord Emoji (2024)


How to use owo bot commands? ›

All commands start with "owo" or your server's prefix assigned with "owo prefix" and then a command or its aliases. Aliases are just other words that cause the command to activate. Commands are not case sensitive and you a space is optional for the after the prefix, but not optional for arguments.

How to get unlimited owo cash? ›

  1. 1 Collect your dailies.
  2. 2 Vote for the bot.
  3. 3 Complete your daily checklist.
  4. 4 Complete quests.
  5. 5 Use gems while hunting, then sell the animals you catch.
  6. 6 Level up.
  7. 7 Sell weapons.
  8. 8 Marriage!

How do you make a discord bot use emojis? ›

To find that, you must send the emote in discord with a backslash in front of it; essentially escaping the emoji.
  1. This will result in the emojis unique ID in this format: <:emoji-name:emoji-id>
  2. If you paste this special string into a message, the bot will send the emoji.
Sep 2, 2020

How do you use bot commands in discord? ›

With Slash Commands, all you have to do is type / and you're ready to use your favorite bot. You can easily see all the commands a bot has, and validation and error handling help you get the command right the first time. Not every bot might be using Slash Commands right now.

How to owo emoji steal? ›

In order to start stealing, you must set up your emoji stealing server with owo emoji set. This will bind the command with the server you typed in. Please make sure you and OwO Bot have the ability to manage emojis for that server! Now anytime you type owo emoji to view an emoji, you will have an option to steal it!

How do I set bot commands? ›

To create a new custom command, send /set_command to your bot:
  1. As you can see, we're creating /support command for the bot.
  2. Note that you can use formatting, put links, and even embed other commands!
  3. That's it! ...
  4. And when you send it to the bot our reply message will appear:
  5. Custom Commands is a very powerful feature.

How to win OwO lottery? ›

The more money you bet, the higher the chance to win! The lottery ends at 12am PST everyday! Lottery is a command in Gambling. The user bets their money for the chance to earn the total money submissions made by other players in the lottery.

How to hunt animals OwO bot? ›

To hunt you can run the command "owo hunt", its aliases are "h" and "catch". This is one of the main functions of OwO Bot. Each hunt costs 5 cowoncy and gives 1 animals without gems. Using gems allows for the capture of more animals and special gem tier pets.

How to marry in OwO? ›

Player can purchase a ring from the Shop and propose to another player using the ring's ID (owo marry @username {ring ID}). Note that once a ring is used to marry another user, it cannot be reused or sold upon divorce.

Do bots use emojis? ›

Do bots speak emoji? You bet they do!

Can I add my own emoji to Discord? ›

To add custom Discord emojis on mobile, choose your channel and click the three dots in the top right. Next, go to the Server Settings. Then, click Emoji. Then, tap the Upload Emoji button and choose the media file.

Can bots use animated emojis? ›

Now this is something that not everyone know about, but it can make your bot unique. Your bot can use any emoji, even animated ones, from any server it is in.

What are slash commands? ›

Slash commands are messages that begin with / and trigger an HTTP request to a web service that can in turn post one or more messages in response.

Why slash commands Discord? ›

These commands would no longer function without the message content intent. Slash commands were designed to simulate this functionality without an application needing to read messages, while improving upon the user experience of using one of these commands.

How to battle in owo bot? ›

To battle against your friends, type owo battle @user. Battling has a cooldown of 15 seconds before you are able to battle again.

How do you use the roast bot in discord? ›

To use this command Roast-Bot needs to given Manage Messages permissions. r! say: To use this command use r! say and then what you want Roast-Bot to say.

How to equip animals owo bot? ›

You can also equip weapons on your pets with the owo weapon {weaponID} {animal} command, and the weapons they are now carrying will show under their name in the pets list, along with the passive status effect on the weapon, and its quality.

How to marry with owo bot? ›

Player can purchase a ring from the Shop and propose to another player using the ring's ID (owo marry @username {ring ID}). Note that once a ring is used to marry another user, it cannot be reused or sold upon divorce.

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.