The Most Powerful Build In POE 3.22! (2024)

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The Most Powerful Build In POE 3.22! - Armor Stack Smite Champion Build Guide

Nov 08, 2023

Nov 08, 2023 Source: POECURRENCY

  • The Most Powerful Build In POE 3.22! (1)
  • Path of Exile 3 22
  • POE Currency
  • POE Armor Stack Smite Champion

Since the release of Path of Exile 3.22, I’ve been wanting to make the most powerful and expensive build possible. Therefore, in this guide, we will explore Armor Stack Smite Champion, using Smite as its key skill, making it a force to be reckoned with in the POE 3.22 Trial of the Ancestors League.

You can play it this season, and it might carry over into the next season. So get ready to learn how to achieve a Champion build with over 8 million effective health and unleash massive damage potential!

The Most Powerful Build In POE 3.22! (2)

Build Overview

Armor Stack Smite Champion focuses on stacking armor and resistance. It combines Grace and Determination Auras for superior defense while converting elemental damage into Chaos damage via Smite.

Although its focus is on melee, this build relies on Smite as a damage activator. Smite provides significant buffs, allowing abilities like Lightning Strike to deal with double or triple damage when used in combination.

Since this build is expensive, requiring at least 5-7 Mirrors of Kalandra, I wouldn’t recommend it for conservative players on a budget to try it.

First, Armor Stack Champion can handle a variety of content, from Mapping to Uber Bosses and Deep Delves. Its versatility determines how often it is used, so your POE Currency investment is definitely worth it.

With careful gear and skill selection, you can achieve incredible levels of damage with your Armor Stack Champion build. Meanwhile, since this build has over 800,000 EHP, it can withstand most challenges. Therefore, it is definitely your best choice when you encounter some tough bosses. Here’s why you should consider playing it.

The Most Powerful Build In POE 3.22! (3)

How To Optimize Character?

The key to success with this build is fine-tuning your character.

First, Grasping Mail is a must for this build. We can find this item in any Breachlord’s Domains accessed using Flawless Breachstone. It provides double armor based on fire resistance and modifiers that increase dodge based on cold resistance.

The Most Powerful Build In POE 3.22! (4)

Also, you’ll need to equip Replica Dreamfeather in both of your weapon slots. It increased the attack damage of these swords by 1% per 450 points of armor.

Since we’re focusing on armor and resistance, there’s no need to increase critical strike. And Resolute Technique ensures your attacks always hit. If your accuracy exceeds your maximum health, Precise Technique Keystone will increase your attack damage multiplier by 40%.

Don’t forget to equip Unwavering Stance, this Keystone makes you immune to stuns and ensures you’ll never run away from an attack.

Passive Tree

Passive Tree emphasizes increasing Auras effect, focusing on defense and damage. Three-Passive Voices with Introspection Auras are essential for enhancing Auras effect. And Brutal Restraint and Forbidden Flame Timeless jewels also provide additional benefits.

The Most Powerful Build In POE 3.22! (5)

How To Enhance Survivability?

It is very important to improve Evasion Rating first. An Evasion Rating of over 7,000 can be converted into armor. Use Wicked Ward to replenish energy shields during battle.

Also, by achieving maximum fire resistance, you gain substantial cold and lightning resistance bonuses. You can also enhance your overall tanking capabilities by equipping Grace and Determination Auras.

For cosmetics, you can choose Kitava Supporter Pack which offers amazing Kitava Body Armor and Skin. Bloodsoaked Character Effect adds the final touch to this impressive look. Because with this effect attached to your belt, the more monsters you kill, the bloodier you will become.

The Most Powerful Build In POE 3.22! (6)

Final Thoughts

Overall, Armor Stack Champion using Smite is definitely a strong build in Path of Exile 3.22, capable of handling any challenge the game throws at you. While this isn’t a budget-friendly option, the investment in gear and skills will pay huge dividends.

Follow this guide, research the passive tree, and equip wisely, and you’ll have one of the most powerful characters in the game. Please enjoy your POE journey with this incredible build!


  • Path of Exile 3 22
  • POE Currency
  • POE Armor Stack Smite Champion

Next: Everything You Should Know About Path Of Exile Blight Mechanic

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  • These Crucial Trade Tricks You May Missed In Path Of Exile 3.24

    Hello everyone, today I will introduce to you 8 trading tips. Let’s begin with the trade site. Actually, a lot of cool little tricks that you can do here to make your trade experience less awful.

    In fact, Divine Orb plays a very important role in trade, and purchasing it in large quantities can make the transaction go more smoothly.

    1. Fuzzy Search

    First one and most important is using the tilt button. This is when you push shift and then that little button next to your one button on your keyboard. It’ll do this little squiggly line. That will put the search into a fuzzy mode, which means you don’t need to be as specific when naming modifiers and items when searching for them.

    If you don’t have this on, let’s say, for example, I’m looking for a modifier like increase elements of damage with attack skills. If you cannot remember all of that, you type in Elemental weapon. It’s not going to bring it up. But if you type this tiled and then you go “ele attack skill” then it’ll bring it up.

    You can also use this if you do know the name of the mod, but you just are a bit lazy. Like I just did, you can go like elemental attack skill like that and it should bring it up.

    2. Group by Seller

    Another very useful thing is that you can group by seller. This means that you can buy multiple different items from the same person with a single trade. So let’s say I want to do my Uber at Sirus. I need all four fragments.

    So what you might be inclined to do is head over to fragments and then you going to click one of these and then click Chaos or and then search one by one instead. What you can do is click all four. And then let’s say search by Divine Orbs and Chaos Orbs. It’ll bring up listings for both.

    And then you need to do group by seller down at the bottom here. Group by seller. You want to run 50 Uber at Sirus. In a row, you can also adjust the stock count. So this will only show list things with people. Those people who have 10 full sets, so you can go search and then it’ll bring up.

    Now if I want to buy a full set from, let’s say, this person, I can contact and then move these sliders. I want five of these and four of these and five of these and seven of these. You click the direct whisper and it will send a message to them saying. I want to buy this from you for this amount. You can also mix it up with different things.

    Like I want to get Timeless Karui Emblem and a Mortal Grief, you can do it like that but generally best to buy sets or groups of Scarabs you want to run a strategy that you saw someone do. And you need this Scarab. Then you would click see who has 10 of these and you can buy them all like this.

    3. Search by Time Listed

    Something else is very useful, especially when you’re trying to buy a low value item or a low value unique. Quite late into a league, I want a Karui Ward for my new character. That I’m going to level and I need to hit search and you will see these will be many people who have listed these 18 days, 4 days, 6 days and 9 days ago. These people, if you message them they will never ever respond to you. However, what you can do instead is go listed and then anytime and change this to 3 hours ago.

    Depending on the rare, if it was a Karui Ward, I might even do up to an hour ago. There’s going to be people who have just put in their stash and they want to sell it. These might be new players or people are starting the league late and trying to catch up. These people are much more likely to respond, in the same Vein of getting people to respond.

    4. Message the Middle

    I know it’s a pain, but you want to buy Chaos Orbs for your Divine Orbs. And you need 1,000 Chaos Orbs down at the bottom. Usually, these people are right at the top. Do not waste your time messaging these folks. It’s not necessarily that they are mean or price fixing or trying to ignore you.

    Usually the case is that because they’re at the top. These people are getting dozens and dozens of DMs every minute. It is absolute Madness. I’m sure some of you have sold things in bulk and had that happen. It is panic inducing what is better to do is instead scroll further down and message. Let’s say someone from the middle. This might get you fewer Chaos Orbs.

    However, you aren’t going to spend 20 minutes trying to buy it. Sometimes, you will hopefully this gets changed. But at least it is something useful.

    5. Sell Instead Of Buy

    However, another thing you can do if you want to get Chaos for your Divines or in this case Chaos for my Exalted Orb instead of going to the trade side and trying to buy Chaos for my Exalted. What I can do is put my Exalted in a trade tab, check the price on the trade site.

    And then list this for Chaos Orbs and the price is like 15 for an Exalted. If I put it up at 15, it should sell fairly quickly. If you want to sell it really quickly, just undercut everyone, put it up for a little less like one Chaos less your listing will shoot straight to the top. And it will be sold very quickly.

    6. Super Secret Naughty Trick

    Now another very naughty trick. I haven’t seen anyone talk about this, but I do this all the time. The going rate of exhausted Orbs is 15 Chaos. Now I want my listing to show up right at the top, but I still want 15 Chaos Orbs. I don’t want 14. What I usually do is this: I will list it for 14.99 Chaos.

    It’s very cheesy. This does seem to push your thing to the top. It will still show up on the trade site as 15 Chaos Orbs.

    My item will be fractionally more cheap than the other listings, which means that it should show up. I often do this might be a bit naughty, maybe everyone’s going to do it after this and soon. We’re going to be listing things for 14.99. But I like that little trick. I do it to sell things at the going rate quickly.

    7. Bulk Selling

    Now if you want to list items for bulk instead of doing them one by one. What you can do is go over here to trade and then exact price. I want 57 Chaos Orbs for my 20 scarabs. I can go 57, 4, 20. This will show it up on trade in this format, so people will see I want to only sell these in bulk for this amount.

    You can also make it a nice round number like 60 or 20 that will show it as three. But it should still show up on the trade site, as me listing these for 20 or 60 Chaos Orbs. Just remember, its first number is going to be what you want. And then the second number is going to be what you have.

    Yours for mine, you can remember it like that. You can also list things directly from your tabs. You want to make your currency tab public and then you want to list your Vaal Orbs. you want 20 chaos Orbs for 20 Vaal Orbs. You can list it like that.

    8. Reverse Sale Technique

    And then another useful little trick that you can sometimes do. Let’s say I have 500 Grand Eldritch Ichors. Instead of me listing those for Divines or Chaos, what I can do is search for people buying these. For Divine Orbs, so we can say someone who has 10 Divines we can search for these people are buying 17 for one Divine Orb.

    So you can actually sell your Grand Eldritch Ichors directly in this way, just make sure to first check it the other way around to make sure that you’re not getting rips off. Because these are few and far between.

    That you will have these so you can actually see you would be getting undercut a little. These are going for 15 for a Divine, so you would be missing out. Do just check that just in case you’re getting scammed, you can do this with cards.

    You find the doctor early in a league. You want to sell it quickly without getting scammed. What you can do? Click that over here, the doctor, and then say I want Divine orbs for my doctor.

    We can search for Chaos orbs and these people are buying it. Again, just always check it the other way around to make sure you’re not getting ripped off. But a very good way to offload, sometimes, a lot of less commonly purchased items more quickly.

    Master these tricks and you won’t have to worry about trading anymore.

  • Why Do I Strongly Recommend You Play Path Of Exile 3.24?

    If I want to talk about my favorite game and recommend it to everyone, it must be Path of Exile. From the time Path of Exile was released to the present, it has created its own niche of gamers and a unique market.

    In the more than ten years since its release, more and more players have become addicted to its mysterious and complex world. At the same time, the rich content of character customization and innovation has kept players fascinated by it. Entering Path of Exile, you will realize a vast and far-reaching world.

    There, you can use the Divine Orb to modify the attributes of the weapons you own, you can also freely define your characters,and the life journey of these characters is in your hands.

    We all know that Path of Exile has always wanted players to actively accept training and exploration, rather than always relying on Loot Boxes.

    Therefore, this game is very fair to players and does not charge any additional fees. It can be said to be very friendly.

    Here are some reasons why I recommend you play Path of Exile.

    1. Character building

    First of all, Character building is already many games ahead. Its Skill Trees are the most comprehensive and in-depth of any RPG. Not only does it allow you to further choose the game character category, but if you want to enrich your builds of different categories, the game will provide you with build varieties, gear, and spells to help you achieve your goal.

    For example, you can summon an army of Undead Minions, or create a Whirlwind of Blades, and manipulate elements with your build.

    As you progress through the game, Ascendancy classes will enhance your playstyle and the game will provide players with specialized skill sets to help improve the main builds.

    2. Regular content updates

    The content in the game is not static and updates are frequent. Because the game world itself continues to evolve over time. For example, it releases a new patch every three months, which may include items, features, fresh mechanics, and new challenge leagues. Sometimes players will even experience a completely new gameplay experience.

    Although these leagues look like brand new games, the core experience of the game remains intact because fresh content stimulates players all the time. This is the main reason why it is worth playing Path of Exile. Players can be sure that there is always something new in the game worth fighting for, so they can stay excited and continue playing the game.

    3.Deep and rewarding crafting system

    The reason Path of Exile is superior to other RPGs is that gear acquisition relies on player luck and even microtransactions. Path of Exile is intended to encourage players to use this robust crafting system skillfully.

    Not only can players use powerful Orbs to modify the weapon stats they want, but they can also explore the unknown potential of diverse weapons by carefully and deeply exploring the secrets of gem-linking and corruption.

    Therefore, this game's complex and exquisite crafting system is also a good reason to play. In the game, you need to plan your build carefully and in detail, and work hard to make the build have effective and required resources and gear. The more time and knowledge you invest in the game, the more powerful your gear will be.

    4. F2P friendly

    Entire core game for free is one of the main reasons why players enter Path of Exile. You can experience all campaign and endgame content for free. At the same time, you can participate in thrilling challenge leagues without spending a penny. This complete experience right out of the box is amazing.

    Although Microtransaction elements are available in the game, these elements will never affect the core gameplay. You will never encounter the phenomenon of having to spend money to upgrade or unlock essential features.

    This allows players to fully enjoy most of the game content without having to be forced to consume and recharge. Path of Exile is a free and friendly game that makes all the time you invest in the game worth it, rather than the kind of game where only trading can buy you happiness.

    5. Active community

    Each game has its own online community. Path of Exile also has a thriving online community. The community is full of passionate players, and the content creators produce diverse content and are eager to help new players. Whether you encounter a boss that is particularly difficult for you to defeat, or you need advice and ideas on building your character to optimize your potential, there is always someone in this online community to help you.

    In addition to this, the game has a variety of online tools, each of which can help you deal with the complexities of this game. Some experienced players have also produced guides that describe in detail how to craft specific character gear and weapons. Social media is also full of players of all levels showcasing unique builds, sharing strategies, and answering questions from beginners.

    The thriving and helpful community gives you another reason to play Path of Exile.

    In 2024, Path of Exile is still an RPG that can attract many players. It has excellent character customization, fresh league updates, gear and loot system, free-to-play friendly nature, and supportive community. This game can keep you hooked for hundreds of hours without even realizing it.

    After you play Path of Exile, you will really like it.

  • Uncovering The Secrets Of Farming Headhunter Or Mageblood In POE 3.24 SSF League

    In this guide, I will share how I get Headhunter or Mageblood in SSF. Because of their powerful effects and extremely low drop rates as tier 0 Uniques, they are usually the most expensive items in each league, traded between players for many Divine Orbs.

    I have gotten Headhunter or Mageblood in almost every SSF league over the past few years. But does that mean I am lucky? Yes, and no. I mean, you are, of course, always a little lucky when you find those chase items, but at some point, the luck should run out. So, it’s not just good luck.

    Today, I will dive into two reasons why I think I get Headhunter or Mageblood in every SSF league. Aside from a little luck factor from time to time, I hope I can tell you some simple tips or strategies.

    Play More Games

    Unfortunately, getting Headhunter or Mageblood or any extremely rare unique item requires a lot of play, which is the first priority. You have to realize that you need to put in the time because Path of Exile 3.24 has a lot of RNG and you can get Path of Exile 3.24 by playing a lot to break the rut.

    This information was put into perspective when a Nameless Seer provided me with it. Currently, my character is at 14 days and 9 hours of playtime, which is 345 hours of league playtime. That is definitely a lot, no doubt.

    And I don’t often stand in my hideout during this process, nor do I open this game while doing other things. Instead, I bomb the map most of the time. I reach similar numbers in other SSF leagues.

    I play Path of Exile frequently. It’s my favorite game and one of the best ARPGs in the market. I always buy a Supporter Pack or two and have a lot of fun playing.

    Every hour you play has a chance to drop that unique belt. But more realistically, you have a chance of something dropping, and those things have a high chance of dropping Headhunter or Mageblood, which brings me to my second reason, there are things you can do even if you can’t play as long as I do.

    League Mechanics

    The second reason to succeed in Path of Exile is that certain items have a much higher chance of dropping from certain mechanics, and this change in each league.

    On the other hand, there are also steady sources of Headhunter and Mageblood here. They don’t change in each league, only the chances of getting these Uniques may change.


    Let’s first look at what you can do in each league to get Headhunter. There are a lot of things in no particular order that you can do to gamble with the materials you get from Expedition. If you do this, just pick up every Heavy and Leather Belts in Gamble, and then focus on using Ancient Orbs on the unique belts.

    Divination Cards

    It’s a slight chance, but you may be lucky enough to run a map that drops Divination Cards, which can give you items and increase the chance of dropping items with Scarabs.

    Each league has different maps where Divination Cards drop, so be sure to look them up ahead of time.

    There’s a reason I run Crimson Temple Map and Burial Chambers Map, especially the last one. I don’t run them for fun, but because I love boss fights.


    Any league mechanic or map mechanic has some gambling element, and I tend to tailor it to get a mid-level Headhunter or Mageblood.

    So in Ritual, I try to look at as many pages as possible for rewards, hoping to get a big reward or high-value Divination Cards, and think about whether there’s a way to reliably get Voidborn Reliquary Keys like I did with Blue Wisps last time.

    These are just a few examples of what I’ve been doing that I can think of right now. But I think you understand that if we want to get Headhunter or Mageblood more easily, it obviously depends on the league mechanic. We have to figure out what’s powerful. In the meantime, you should keep an eye on the trades to see if people are using any destructive strategies to get these chase items.


    In Necropolis league, most people are always happy to combine Divination Scarab of Completion and Curation to get a full stack of Divination Cards from their favorite maps.

    It is important to note that Scarab is very rare. Of course, if you play more, you will occasionally find one in SSF, which is why investing time is so important.

    Nameless Seer

    If you run this strategy in SSF, find some maps, you may get lucky like those people in the trade. Another strategy for this league is all about Nameless Seer. This NPC will sometimes appear on the map and sell a bunch of unique items in tier 16 maps.

    You can get Nameless Seer as a map modifier using Allflame, which is why it helps if you blow up a bunch of maps. Or you can use Reliquary Scarab of Vision to get it. You will find these Scarabs from time to time. They are not extremely rare, and whenever I have about 10 Scarabs, I will batch run them to find Seer as soon as possible.

    Time to conclude. Unfortunately for you there is no silver bullet here, but setting yourself up for success will give you the best chance of getting Headhunter or Mageblood. Ultimately, it’s about putting in the time and for every hour you play, your chances increase a little until the moment you drop what you want. Wish you the best of luck!

  • Try These 3 Top Uber Killer Builds In POE 3.24 To Clear Everything Effortlessly!

    Do you often find it difficult to face Uber Pinnacle Boss? If so, maybe you need a good boss killer build to help improve your gaming experience. This guide is for those of you who like to destroy bosses in less than a second, and we’ll be showcasing three of my favorite boss killers. Without further ado, let’s get started!

    Archmage Ice Nova Hierophant

    Let’s start with an amazing build, one of the best I’ve played in many leagues, Archmage Ice Nova Hierophant with Templar class.

    This build can stack as much mana as possible, taking advantage of Archmage Support, giving you up to 19% of your mana as bonus lightning damage. The skill of choice is Transfigured Gem Ice Nova of Frostbolts, which does more damage when cast near Frostbolts. To make things smoother, we also used Kitava’s Thirst Helmet to automatically cast Frostbolts for us.

    To understand the strengths of this build, I would start with its boss damage. All these overlapping Ice Nova and countless Frostbolts will cause the boss to die like a simple monster. In addition, its clear speed is also great. With the help of Frostblink of Wintry Blast, we can zoom the map very quickly while casting Ice Nova in all directions. It’s amazing.

    Now coming to the cons, I’ll start by saying that this build isn’t cheap. It requires some Divine Orbs to work properly. Another problem is that all your gear must have extra mana, which can make the gearing process more difficult.

    Now talking about budget, as mentioned before, this build is not cheap, you will need to invest at least 10 Divine Orbs to make it work.

    But this build only requires two mandatory items. The first and most important is Kitava’s Thirst Helmet. It triggers socketed gems when you use at least 100 mana in a single cast. This necessitates auto-casting Frostbolts for a smoother clear speed.

    Next we also need Anathema Ring, making our curse limit the same as our max Power Charges.

    For clear speed, this build totally deserves full marks. We’re so fast and our Ice Nova is all over the place all the time. You don’t even get a chance to see the enemy before they’re destroyed.

    The boss damage is also amazing and deserves a 10 out of 10 rating. There are so many overlapping Ice Novas being cast on countless Frostbolts that the boss doesn’t even have a chance to survive for more than two seconds.

    For survivability, I would give it a 9 out of 10. Not only does it have massive health and energy shields, but it also has an extra 50% damage from mana.

    As you know, we have a lot of manas in this build, and we’re also hitting enemies multiple times per second, so much so that instant leech will cause your life to be full almost 100% of the time.

    Venom Gyre Deadeye

    Next we have this OP build which is the master of the shotgun effect, Venom Gyre Deadeye with Ranger class.

    Venom Gyre is a very interesting skill that fires a projectile that hits an enemy and returns to you, causing damage to everything in its path when the projectile successfully returns to you. You can retain and stack them up to 30 times, and they will all be released when you use Whirling Blades movement skill.

    Regarding its merits, I must say that it has amazing clear speed, boss damage, and huge effective HP. What's even better is that it's cheap and easy to assemble and doesn't even require any mandatory unique items.

    Now listing the cons is the real challenge. I’m hard pressed to find anything I don’t like in this build. I will say, however, that, like most builds, this one is also susceptible to Chaos damage unless you invest in Chaos-resistant gear.

    As for budget, this build is cheap and you can totally destroy early endgame maps with just 90 or so Chaos Orb. But if you want to easily reach Yellow Maps, you need to invest about 120 Chaos. If you want to complete your Atlas, investing in 4 Divines is very necessary.

    For clear speed, this build is hands down a perfect score. The damage Venom Gyre inflicts on the screen is extremely scalable and can easily remove hordes of mobs. Besides this, Deadeye can provide high speed and provide many buffs to projectiles.

    The boss damage performance of this build is also very impressive and deserves a 10 out of 10. You can instantly stack 50 projectiles with Venom Gyre and use Whirling Blades to take down bosses with amazing shotgun effects. It’s incredible that it wasn’t nerfed again in POE 3.24.

    I would give it a 9 out of 10 for this survivability. This build has an effective HP of over 80,000 because of high armor, high evasion, spell suppression, and block chance.

    Vaal Ice Shot Deadeye

    Finally, we have the most powerful Vaal skill for bosses, Vaal Ice Shot Deadeye, with Ranger class. Ice Shot is a great Archer skill that freezes the entire screen of an enemy, resulting in many explosions, just like I did with Lightning Arrow and Tornado Shot build.

    A complete guide to this build also includes two versions of it, a budget version and a full version. Each version has its own POB and passive tree, so even on a lower budget, you can start this build and upgrade later.

    To list the pros of this build, I’ll start with the strength of Vaal Ice Shot. When you use it for a boss fight, you don’t even need your ballistas to take it out in less than a second. Its clear speed is also very good, and it can kill many monsters with one shot.

    Now to list the cons, I’d say this build isn’t very tanky, even if you have some layers of defense. It is important that you utilize your ranged attacks and stay out of danger. If you don’t pay attention to your position, you may die from enemy attacks.

    Regarding budget, with this build you can destroy early endgame maps for only about 80 Chaos. In order to easily advance to Yellow Maps, I recommend investing around 150 Chaos. In order to easily complete your Atlas, you need to have a budget of 4 Divines. But if you choose the full version, you need to invest at least 4 more Divines.

    In the budget version, you don’t need to purchase any mandatory unique items for this build. But on the other hand, the full version requires Lioneye’s Fall and Thread of Hope Jewel. They are expensive, but can greatly increase your damage.

    For clear speed, I would give it a 10 out of 10. You can fire lots of projectiles with high attack speeds that chain onto enemies and bounce off walls, freezing them everywhere and exploding them. It’s pretty amazing.

    Its boss damage is also very high and deserves a full 10 points. Like I said before, as the strongest Vaal skill, Vaal Ice Shot can easily destroy the boss. On top of that, you can also use Ballistas to do even more damage.

    For this kind of survivability, I would give this build an 8 out of 10. Even if you have multiple layers of defense, this build isn’t very tanky if you don’t understand your surroundings.

    That’s it for today. What are your thoughts on these boss killer builds? Have a great day!

  • Five Defensive Components And Four Items Can Enhance Your Power In Path Of Exile 3.24

    Hello, everyone. Today we’ll be going over some defensive layers that are very strong in Path of Exile. The first thing I want to mention is that these are only core components of a defensive layer strategy should be used in conjunction with other defensive layers to achieve a Powerhouse of mitigation.

    Recharging POE 3.24 Currency in the game can make defensive components more powerful.

    Now let’s go over the basic defensive components.

    First, that are the strongest,in my opinion. And after we’ll look at some items and some defensive setups.

    Spell Suppression

    Spell Suppression is a core defensive layer because if we achieve 100% Suppression. We effectively are taking 50% less Spell damage. This is a common defensive layer, primarily effective when bossing. Because most of the damage dealt by bosses is Spells. 50% Spell prevention is a baseline which is achieved by having 100% Spell Suppression.

    But this can be raised by some of the following.

    There’s Ascendant Trickster notable. There’s Spellbreaker from the Trickster Ascendency, Inveterate and Spell Suppression Mastery. There are other ways but these were the ones that I found were the most impactful and accessible.


    The number two is Armor. Armor is more effective when mitigating multiple small hits rather than one big hit. Ideally, though, you want 90% physical damage reduction from Armor which is the maximum. However, this mod doesn’t include things like Endurance charges giving you additional physical damage reduction and also the mod on a chest piece.

    An Armor becomes more effective when physical damage is converted to an element. Because essentially you’re taking less physical damage. As a side note, if you’re a new player, Armor is extremely important in the campaign. Since there are many enemies that do physical damage, including big bad Kitava.

    Physical Damage Taken As

    Either an element or chaos damage is one of the best physical damage mitigation components in the entire game. Aside from additional physical damage reduction, both of these, though, can be used together as well to get a lot of mitigation. And it’s very strong because as stated previously. This makes your Armor way stronger.

    There are many items that can achieve this feat: Helmet, Chest piece, a Vaal on a shield, Passive Tree, a Taste of Hate, Dawnbreaker Lightning Coil, Cloak of Flame and Lethal Pride.

    There are others, but these are just the most common. Now keep in mind that the more physical damage you have taken around 75% plus as an element, the less you’re going to rely on Armor and more on maximum Elemental resistances to mitigate the incoming converted damage. An Ascendency that really shines with converting all physical damage to an element is Chieftain since we get 90% all maximum resistances.

    Another Ascendency that’s a good example of physical damage taken as, is a Trickster or an Occultist. So typically you go to Chaos Inoculation with these Ascendancies. And what you want to do is get physical damage taken as chaos damage on either a Corruption for your shield or your Helmet. And basically what happens is you void that damage, you don’t have to take it at all because with chaos inoculation we are immune to chaos damage.

    Maximum Elemental Resistances

    Maximum Elemental Resistances are capped at 75% traditionally in Path of Exile. However, there are many sources in the game now. To raise those base values, any build can strive for 80% resistances comfortably and with the new flask changes in 3.24. It’s much more accessible. All Elemental flasks now have 5% to their respective maximum resistance and this can be scaled by a percentage increased flask effect.

    Using all these flasks is not a good way but you can use them respectively for encounters with each Element. Like Searing Exarch for Ruby, Shaper for Sapphire and Eater of Worlds for Topaz.


    Having the correct flasks for your build with the right modifiers is one of the most core defensive layers in Path of Exile. This is evident in the use of the Mageblood, unique that almost all top end builds will use.

    For example, if you play a creep-based build, you may want to opt for the mod percent chance to gain a flask charge when you deal a Critical Strike. And if you get hit frequently, you can opt for the gain number of charges when you’re hit by an enemy mod. These are just some ways to help sustain those flasks and make sure you don’t run out of charges.

    Fourth Vow + Glorious Vanity

    So now that we’ve covered some defensive components. Let’s look at items that synergize well with each other. The first defensive setup is Fourth Vow and Glorious Vanity Jewel. Glorious Vanity needs to be under the influence of Xibaqua to change any Keystone on the passive Tree in its proximity to Divine flesh. The Fourth Vow is a fairly new unique in Path of Exile as of Sanctum League.

    It has a modifier which applies 100% of your Armor to chaos damage taken as from hits. Now notice how I said 100%. I’m using this in reference to the unbreakable modifier from Juggernaut Ascendency. That states only 8% of Armor is used against Elemental hits. This is insane because we can apply 100% of Armor instead of 8%. Juggernaut is already noticeably tanky with the unbreakable node.

    So Fourth Vow is basically unbreakable, but better. We then use Divine Flesh to convert half of our Elemental damage to chaos damage and give us 80% total chaos resistance as a baseline. We can increase this further with items like Saffell’s frame or the small Cluster Jewel for chaos resistance with the born of chaos notable. Multiple of these can be used to try to achieve 90% chaos resistance.

    If you want, normally though, Fourth Vaal is used against 80% chaos resistance for a considerable tanky boost. Another thing that Fourth Vaal really excels in is Elemental penetration. Shifting Elemental damage works very well against this.

    An example would be Shaper boss. The idea here is that 50% of Elemental damage is shifted to chaos and that damage cannot be penetrated. Effectively reducing the amount of penetration damage we take by 50%.

    Incandescent Heart + Glorious Vanity

    It’s the Incandescent heart and Divine Flesh combination. The interaction we’re looking for is the extra 25% Elemental damage converted to chaos damage from chest piece. This is additive with Divine Flesh, providing us a total of 75% Elemental damage converted to chaos damage. Incandescent Heart can be used with Armor and energy Shield Mastery to provide 10% of Armor applies to chaos damage taken as from hits.

    To further help with mitigation, this setup is more reliant on maximum chaos resistance being higher than Fourth Vaal setup. And this setup works better for Elemental penetration.

    Eternal Damnation + Loreweave

    The last combination I want to talk about is Eternal Damnation Amulet with Loreweave body Armor. Personally, I think just using Eternal Damnation by itself is an impressive defensive layer since getting back to 75% maximum resistance is not that hard. Loreweave states that your Elemental resistances are 76 to 78% overriding the negative downside to Eternal Damnation.

    This means that we have heightened resistances instead of the 70% new baseline that would be provided by using Eternal Damnation. This combination was very popular during Sanctum League when Eternal Damnation was introduced.

    Transcendence Keystone

    Lastly, another component that can be added into the setup is Transcendence Keystone. That’s provided by a Militant Faith Jewel under the influence of Max Auras. Transcendence has minus 15 to all maximum resistances which can be overridden by Loreweaves effect. Another key component of transcendence is that physical damage is no longer mitigated by Armor.

    It is instead mitigated towards Elemental damage. In order to use Transcendence you will need many sources of physical damage taken as. It’s very common for this setup to use a Lightning Coil or a Dawnbreaker. Another interaction with Transcendence is you can use Endurance charges to make up the loss of physical damage reduction. This is an example where I mentioned before that using physical damage taken as an additional physical damage reduction work really well together.

    Aegis Aurora

    There’s one honorable mention that I would like to talk about. And that is Aegis Aurora Shield. The interaction we’re interested in is recover energy Shield equal to 2% of your Armor when you block. The plus 5 to maximum Cold Resistance is also a really good mod.

    The cap on the block is 75% but with investment can reach 90%. This can also be used in conjunction with Transcendence and enough physical damage taken as to provide a massive amount of mitigation and recovery.

    You can also combine this with 20 life gained on block through the Block Mastery for even more recovery. Even without pushing for 90% block chance, this is still a considerable amount of mitigation and recovery if you have 75% block chance for both attack and Spells.

    I hope you learned something. That’s all my suggestions.

  • What Changes Are Needed To Craft This Blood Mage Tornado Inquisitor In POE 3.24 Necropolis?

    Welcome, Exiles! The build I will introduce to you today is an updated version of the life stacking Inquisitor build in the Path of Exile 3.24, which is called the Blood Mage Tornado Inquisitor. I'd like to go over some upgrades that I've made to the build because some of these changes to the gear are quite significant.

    Body Armour - Cloak Of Flame

    The first change in this build revolves around body armour. In the previous Inquisitor build in the Path of Exile 3.24, I relied on the Lightning Coil for its Elemental damage mitigation, since the build lacked significant physical mitigation without it.

    With no Determination or armour scaling, having a substantial life pool and converting 50% of physical hits to Elemental damage, then mitigating that damage for resistances, provided exceptional physical mitigation. This dramatically increased the maximum physical hit threshold, making the Lightning Coil a good choice.

    However, a drawback of the Lightning Coil is that it aims to attain the 10% more maximum life bonus granted by allocating at least 6 Life Masteries. One of these masteries offers a 15% increased maximum life if there are no Life Modifiers on the body armour.

    While gaining the 10% more maximum life is undoubtedly worthwhile, it's advantageous to also benefit from the additional 15% increased maximum life if there are no Life Modifiers on the body armour - something that the Lightning Coil lacks because of its Life Modifier.

    But the Cloak of Flame doesn't have a Life Modifier. And the reason why I didn't use this body armour in previous builds is because the 10% difference in the physical damage taken as Elemental is actually huge for physical maximum hit.

    The Cloak of Flame, which is a body armour without a Life Modifier. Despite not utilizing it previously, the 10% difference in physical damage taken as Elemental offered by the Cloak of Flame holds significant weight, particularly concerning the maximum physical hit threshold.

    The only reason you could make this change is because that you can gain a corrupted implicit from the Rathpith Globe for physical damage taken as lightning damage. So if you are using the Cloak of Flame, it means that instead of having - 60 Lightning Resistance and no extra resistances gained from that body armour, you can now have +69 Fire Resistance.

    Gloves - Sharkskin Gloves

    Moreover, I've made adjustments to gloves in this Blood Mage Tornado Inquisitor build. Previously, the Sharkskin Gloves were aimed at capping all the resistances. However, because of the changes in body armour, resistance has increased significantly.

    We could afford to drop several resistance mods and focus solely on Life and Chaos Resistance for these gloves. Additionally, the impulse and implicit of unnerving enemies on the Sharkskin Gloves provide a notable increase in damage output.

    Ring - Vermillion Ring

    Let's discuss the ring next. Previously, I utilized the Ruby Ring in the slot, where I emphasized the importance of achieving exactly 56 dexterity, hence the inclusion of a 2% Attribute Modifiers. I also mentioned the option of using the Screaming Essences to craft dexterity onto a ring, as they can roll up to 58.

    In this build, I turned to use the Vermillion Ring. You can acquire the base with 2 fractures already in place, primarily for Chaos Resistance and the added Regeneration benefit. With only one other suffix needed for dexterity, rolling these Essences until reaching tier 1 life. The inclusion of Life Modifiers on this Vermillion Ring significantly boosts the life pool by an amazing 400.

    Pantheon - Soul Of Tukohama

    One of the big differences between the Cloak of Flame and Lightning Coil is that this modifier actually works for damage over time, whereas the Lightning Coil's modifier is only for hits. And that meant we could switch out the Pantheon.

    Before, I was using the Soul of Ralakesh because even with a lot of life and Regeneration, bleeding is still often a problem, but it's less of a problem compared to other builds. And because I'm now using the Cloak of Flame, 40% of that bleeding damage will be mitigated by the Fire Resistance.

    That meant that we could switch the pantheon into the Soul of Tukohama because in this build, whenever focusing down an enemy, we usually need to utilize the Frost Shield and dropping the tornadoes. You can gain physical damage reduction while standing stationary. With this Pantheon active, you can actually have the Regeneration.

    With these changes, this Blood Mage Tornado Inquisitor build in the Path of Exile 3.24 Necropolis League will become unexpectedly robust, boasting 177,000 life and 4,500 energy shield.

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The Most Powerful Build In POE 3.22! (2024)
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