UX Designer Resume: Guide & Free Sample to download (2024)


As a UX Designer, you know the value of making a product easy to follow. Why not make your resume the same? Use our template to make a resume that is easy to read and let your skills and experience stand out. Create a resume and land your dream job.

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UX Designer Resume: Guide & Free Sample to download (3)

Reviewed by

Margaret Buj

Interview and Career Coach

Updated on December 21, 2022

Written by

Siobhan Brier

Table of content:

In a digital world full of non-fungible tokens, cryptocurrency, social media influencers, mobile applications, and now the Metaverse, one thing is universally vital: the user experience.

UX design has shot to the top as one of the most vital jobs in the new age and will keep growing to be an increasingly in-demand job. To take advantage of this as a UX designer, it’s important that you stay ahead of the pack; creating a compelling resume can help you do just that.

With UX design being a relatively new field in the past few years, there aren’t many resources available on how to craft a good UX designer resume. That’s why we’ve come up with this guide to explain:

  • How to build a UX designer resume that suits your specific niche and your recruiter’s requirements
  • What to know about the different types of UX designer credentials and how to use them for a resume
  • How to optimize your UX designer resume according to the job description
  • How to highlight your soft and hard skills on your UX designer resume
  • How to study a sample UX designer resume, resume examples, and how to use them as a guide when crafting your own
  • How to differentiate a strong UX designer resume from a weak one with examples of right and wrong

UX Designer Resume Sample

Before you read on, here’s our UX designer resume template which we’ve drafted to give you an idea of what a strong UX designer resume looks like so the rest of this guide is easier to understand.

You can always come back to see where everything fits, from the structure, organization, and content to the skills, education, and other sections.

Resume Example


[Rachel Miller]

[Senior UX Designer]

[1022, Chelsea Apartments, Hershey, PA | 198-202-9253 |miller.rachel@gmail.com]


Senior UX Designer with 7+ years experience and specialization in prototyping and wireframing. Boosted customer satisfaction by 18% through intuitive, data-driven user interface at DixonBaxi. Received 94% positive feedback at S.E.C. by raising traffic and UX scores by 12% in the fourth quarter. Seeking to leverage my experience and skill set to increase overall user base, downloads, and approval ratings at XYZ Company as UX Design Team Lead.


Senior UX Designer



  • Focused on data-driven design systems and developed user-based interfaces that led to 89% increase in traffic for three consecutive years.
  • Developed digital ecosystems to assist with data analysis, wireframe accuracy, traffic reports, and leveraged data to make incremental improvements in overall company design philosophy, leading to 12% growth.
  • Utilized proprietary technology to install third-party applications like Figma, Sketch and integrate them into the mainframe to increase employee satisfaction by 20%.
  • Created new testing models using high and low-quality prototypes as part of UX research.

Junior UX Designer

The Futur Company


  • Produced new visual parallax scrolling design prototypes with matching icons based on research, resulting in 8% boost in user engagement.
  • Conducted user research via targeted surveys and comprehensive pilot studies for the company rebranding process.
  • Implemented migration process of 600+ interactive websites from a legacy server to public domain and publishing servers.
  • Carried out HTML and CSS-based web applications for color theory in brand design.


BS Computer Science

Hershey Community College, PA

2011 – 2013

  • Graduated with honors: 3.8 GPA
  • Completed an undergraduate thesis on user relationship with wireframing
  • President, Figmagic (UI/UX Club)


  • Soft skills: Communication, Creative Thinking, Leadership, Active Listening
  • Hard skills: Web Design, Project Management, Product Testing, Data Analysis, Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD, Wireframing


  • Adobe Pro Wireframing Program Certificate (2014)
  • Google Program for Figma Advanced Users Certificate (2016)


“Employee of the Year,” DixonBaxi (2019)

What’s the Best Resume Format for a UX Designer?

The format of your UX designer CV is critical. It ought to demonstrate that you’ve done your research and that you have the personality and drive to match the killer resume the recruiter is about to read.

It’s usually best to choose a resume format or UX resume template that utilizes a reverse-chronological organization style. It starts with your most recent and impressive UX designer accomplishments.

Unless you have tons of experience, it’s best to keep it short and within 1-2 pages.

It’s better to include things that increase your chances of landing the job rather than leave them out for the sake of having a one-page resume.

  • Use the standard 10-14pt resume fonts – professional, clean and easy-to-read.
  • For a pleasant reading experience, use 1-inch margins, bold headers, and lots of negative space. Single line spacing or line spacing of 1.15 should be ideal.
  • Begin by creating a resume heading. Include your full name, phone number, and email address. Do not provide a full physical address (location is enough) or a photograph.
  • After that, provide a resume summary or objective, followed by your work experience and education sections.
  • Extras such as rewards, certificates, and extra activities should be included if they add substantial value to your resume.

Once you’re done, make sure you save your resume as a PDF file. This maintains consistency across the board and is the industry-standard format for viewing resumes.

Even the most creative UX designers can get a bit lost while trying to craft their ideal resumes, which is why we’ve designed lots of easy-to-use, attractive resume templates which you can use to make that dream resume.

How do I Write a UX Designer Resume Summary or Objective?

Include a well-written resume summary or resume objective at the top of your resume. This is simply a 50-word opening essay about yourself that explains why you’re the best candidate for this job.

You might call it your resume’s “elevator pitch.” This section serves as the “trailer” for the rest of your resume.

It is preferable to use a resume summary if you have years of expertise in the field that you believe is relevant. Tell the recruiter about your most noteworthy accomplishments.

On the flip side, it’s better to use a resume objective if you’re drafting an entry-level resume for a position as a junior UX designer. Demonstrate how well you’d fit in by explaining all you’ve learned thus far.

Whatever option you select, try to write your UX designer profile summary in a way that caters to the requirements of the job description you’re applying to. Show how your knowledge and experience may be turned into something useful and beneficial for them.

💡top tip

Imagine you’ve found yourself in an elevator with a recruiter from the organization you want to apply to. You have around thirty seconds or so to create a lasting effect on them before they walk out; what things would be most pressing to share? This is essentially the same question a summary or objective for your resume should answer.

Resume Summary Example

A strong resume summary highlights your abilities and personality in only a few phrases.

We’ve shown how both a weak and strong UX designer resume summary would look like in the examples below. Look at what works here; both clearly characterize the candidate as a UX designer, but which one does it more effectively?

One is a simple, vague summary, while the other talks about the applicant, their personality, and their skill set.

Starting out on the right track helps persuade a recruiter to look at your resume longer than other applicants’ resumes. A compelling resume will pique their curiosity.

Wrong ❌

Senior UX designer with a great deal of experience. Dedicated to extensive product testing and adept at developing extensive information frameworks. Committed to employing interactive prototypes in user testing to increase functionality.

Right ✅

UX designer with 8+ years specialization in advanced server application design. Implemented data-driven product testing, resulting in 17% increase in user satisfaction and 14% increase in downloads. Seeking to leverage my skills to deliver increased functionality across all apps at Ludo Systems as UX Creative Director.

How to Write an Entry-Level UX Designer Resume Objective

As previously mentioned, if you don’t have a lot of job experience, a resume objective is preferable compared to a traditional resume summary since resume objectives aren’t based on achievements or work history.

Focus on what is included in the job description. For example, if the job description indicates that the organization is searching for Figma or Sketch experts, noting that you have some of these skills might help you stand out as a candidate.

When writing a resume objective, focus on making what you do have to offer work for the job posting you’re interested in. A lack of experience or little time in the field doesn’t have to hold you back if you don’t let it!

Entry-Level Objective Examples

It’s entirely possible to write a great UX designer resume with no experience (or very limited experience), but some extra thought and strategy might be necessary.

Emphasize your skillset and any freelance projects you’ve done along with any technical know-how that would impress a recruiting manager.

Let’s take a look at an example UX designer resume objective:

Wrong ❌

UX designer who is highly talented, passionate, and dynamic. Skilled at sketching, storyboarding, mockups, Adobe Suite, Sketch, and responsive design are all essential abilities. Interned at two leading software companies with 2+ years of experience.

While this isn’t a poor example, it doesn’t provide a recruiter with enough information. It doesn’t go into detail about the specifics, which is what you should provide in a resume goal.

You want to show the employer that you have the precise attributes and skillset they’re looking for and that you’re a suitable fit for the job. Another way to put it is as follows:

Right ✅

UX designer with 2+ years of experience in prototype, Figma, and storyboarding. Increased user retention by 24% and downloads by 12% at DixonBaxi. Raised index scores by 20% in the most recent quarter. Looking to deliver UX design excellence for Bookface.

How do I Describe my UX Designer Experience?

Prospective employers want to know that your prior work as a UX designer can convert into desirable impacts for their organization. Your UX designer experience section is the place where you may show off your qualifications and accomplishments.

However, in order to present these traits in a way that increases your chances of landing an interview, you must focus on the specific qualities that your potential employer appreciates.

If you can connect the two – what you have and what the recruiter needs – it can help you promote yourself as the best applicant for the job.

💡 TOP tip

Consider saving the resume summary for a UX designer job application until the end; giving yourself a chance to list your experiences and skills in more depth elsewhere on your resume makes it much easier to condense its key points into just a few lines.

Experience Section Examples

We’ve given you two examples here to look at: a “wrong” and “right.”

While the former isn’t necessarily a poor example, it’s the latter that will likely leave a much better impression when a recruiter looks at it.

Wrong ❌

UX Designer



  • Responsible for UX design for a leading software development company.
  • Prepared brand guideline proposals for potential clients.
  • Received positive feedback for completing projects before deadlines.

Right ✅

UX Designer



  • Led the Senior UX Team with 10+ understudies for a leading software company.
  • Increased client acquisition by 14% successfully by preparing brand proposals.
  • Monitored team progress, client feedback, and communicated these details to the rest of the team.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams, resulting in 22% increase in downloads and user ratings.

An Entry-Level Experience Section

Some designers are relatively new to the field of UX design and may not have tons of experience in the industry.

If this is you, then don’t worry. You can still make a killer resume without lots of work experience.

In fact, a few freelance projects and a couple of internships and certificates here and then could go a long way in landing a junior UX designer role!

What’s important is to use the skills you’ve picked up during those experiences to highlight what you can offer for the job in question.

Here’s another example of an entry-level experience section for a UX designer resume:

Wrong ❌

Freelance UI/UX Designer

2017 – 2019

  • Designed e-commerce website for jewelry
  • Developed app with 5000+ downloads
  • Created forum for all UX designers in my area
  • Improved wireframe for 3 local companies

Right ✅

Freelance UI/UX Designer

2017 – 2019

  • Designed an interactive website to sell jewelry products, creating $5000 in quarterly profits for clients.
  • Developed a smart sleep app with 5600+ individual downloads capable of tracking sleep habits, patterns, and other health trends.
  • Created a multi-blog forum for UX designers in the local area.
  • Increased sales of 3 local companies by an average of 15% through improved wireframing.

How do I go about my Resume’s Education Section?

A UX designer is concerned with all aspects of the product development process, including usability, performance, identity, and of course, design.

As a result, your UX resume should demonstrate a mix of technical expertise, research, and a strong grasp of the user-product relationship. Showcasing your educational background is a great way to fill in the gaps.

Whatever your educational qualifications, you must understand how to incorporate them into your UX designer resume effectively.

Here’s how you should list down your education:

  • Majors and minors (if you have any)
  • School/college name
  • Graduation

As mentioned earlier, if you don’t have a lot of experience, there’s no reason to worry. If you have some good educational credentials, you can easily make up for any lack of work experience.

You can go the extra mile by including the following:

  • Any relevant coursework
  • Favourite courses or classes
  • Achievements and accolades
  • Extracurricular activities

UX design was ranked by both Glassdoor and LinkedIn as one of the top 50 jobs to have in 2022 and as one of the top five most in-demand skills for 2020

UX Designer Resume Education Section

How do you go about showcasing your UX designer education in a way that’s both engaging and informational? Take a look at the following example:

Wrong ❌

BS in Computer Science, Christ University

2017 – 2021

  • Graduated with 3.8 GPA
  • Relevant Coursework: Adobe XD, Sketch, Figma, Wireframing

Right ✅

BS in Computer Science, University of Cramerview

2017 – 2021

  • Graduated with honors and a 3.8 GPA
  • Excelled in UI development UX design credit courses.
  • Completed a thesis on user relationship with wireframing
  • President, Figmagic (UI/UX Club)

What are the Best UX Designer Skills to Include?

Never underestimate the importance of a skills section in any resume, especially when it comes to a UX designer.

The skills section should include both soft and hard skills. Keep each skill’s list to roughly five or six items. Your resume may feel cramped or hard to read if you write down too many.

Soft Skills

  • Creative Thinking
  • Communication Skills
  • Time Management
  • Organizational Skills
  • Leadership Skills
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Collaboration
  • Active Listening
  • Curiosity
  • Research
  • Adaptation Skills
  • Storytelling

Hard Skills

  • Data Analysis
  • Graphic Design
  • Web Design
  • Writing Skills
  • Project Management Skills
  • Product Testing
  • Figma
  • Adobe XD
  • Sketch
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Wireframing
  • Invision

Should I Add Other Sections for an Effective Resume?

As a UX designer, the “Other” sections of your resume might help you stand out from the crowd.

Consider this part to be the icing on the cake. It’s a fantastic addition to your resume that emphasizes all of your abilities and accomplishments.

💡 TOP tip

If you’ve completed any courses from larger companies that provide formal and official certifications, you may include them beside your job title, for example, Adam Smith, Adobe Certified UX Designer

Sample “Other” Sections

One important thing to remember is that just because these are “Other” sections doesn’t make them any less important. Give them the same amount of effort and care.

Even in these areas, it’s vital to maintain a precise, professional tone. Here’s an example to get you started:

Wrong ❌


  • Adobe Certificate
  • Microsoft Certificate


  • Adobe Creative Suite Panel, California (2017)
  • UI Wireframing Panel (2016)

Additional Activities

  • President, UX Designers Club, PA (2015)

Right ✅


  • Adobe Pro Wireframing Program Certificate (2016)
  • Google Program for Figma Advanced Users Certificate (2017)


  • Spoke at California Designer Camp 2017, panel on Adobe Creative Suite
  • Attended Google West Conference panel on UI Wireframing in 2016

Additional Activities

  • President for UX Designers Club in PA. Increased traffic for local businesses by an average of 25% through UX research.

Here are some additional areas you could include in your resume. If you’re an entry-level candidate and don’t have any of them, don’t worry; it’s simply an extra section. Let your abilities and experience speak for themselves instead.

  • Seminars/conferences
  • Official certifications and accreditations
  • Publications
  • Industry honors and awards
  • Blog contributions

Important Info to Take Away

  • Whether you’re a seasoned UX designer or a less experienced candidate, a resume for a UX designer should include a resume summary or objective, as well as sections for education, work history, skills, and other relevant information.
  • The best UX resumes employ strong terminology, thorough examples, and direct, accurate, and professional writing.
  • Be sure to include all your skills in your UX designer resume – soft and hard skills. Keep it to around five per list so that your resume doesn’t seem crammed with information.
  • Include information of any credentials such as workshops, conferences or seminars, industry awards, or other accomplishments that will help you stand out from the crowd on your user experience resume.

We hope this guide has helped you design the perfect UX designer resume!

Should you ever need any additional help when it comes to UX designer resume crafting, or simply don’t have the time to sit and make one because of all the other designing you have to do, our signature resume builder tool can help you with your ideal UX researcher resume in just a few clicks. It only takes a few minutes!

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UX Designer Resume: Guide & Free Sample to download (2024)
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